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Bankruptcy is serious - act fast to avoid action

If you or your business are under pressure from escalating debts, or are unable to make payments to your creditors as and when they fall due, you or your business are considered insolvent. Missing or making late payments to your creditors, including HMRC may alert your creditors to the fact that you are insolvent.

This may lead to legal action including CCJs and Bankruptcy proceedings. Once your bank becomes aware that your business is insolvent and/or you have had a Bankruptcy Petition issued against you, they may choose to freeze your account(s).

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Anderson Parker specialise in bankruptcy avoidance and annulments.

What causes bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is caused when you cannot pay your debts as and when they fall due. When this happens, you or your business are classed as Insolvent. Should you owe a creditor more than £5000 they can formally apply for you to be made bankrupt. This is generally carried out by the local court but in the case of HMRC their petitions for bankruptcy are generally held in the High Court.

How can we help?

Anderson Parker are specialists in HMRC Bankruptcy Solutions and have helped countless individuals to avoid the potentially debilitating and devastating effects of Bankruptcy. We can help you to identify your options and take the action that is most appropriate for you and your business.

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How Anderson Parker Can Help

We have a broad spectrum of partners in the Financial Services sector, making us ideally placed to find the best solution for you or your company’s financial situation. Anderson Parker specialises in HMRC debt and can help you with Time to Pay (TTP) arrangements, debts and arrears, Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs), and much more.

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