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Time To Pay Arrangements

Act Now - Before HMRC Does

If you have significant HMRC debt, whether it is Self Assessment, VAT, PAYE or Corporation Tax, and you have not yet received any instruction on the commencement of formal legal action, it may be possible to negotiate a Time To Pay Arrangement.

Usually HMRC will only allow 3-6 months for the repayment of any outstanding debt to themselves. This is quite often unrealistic as it will require you to earn enough profit to pay the debt and the tax on the profit. This usually leaves a negative monthly balance and is not viable. Furthermore, by speaking to you HMRC can assess whether you have any assets or equity in property which could help them form an opinion as to whether to issue a bankruptcy petition against you.

In some cases we can negotiate a Time To Pay Arrangement even if Legal Action has already started.

How can we help you?

Get support by phone or email. Set up a meeting, or get one of our advisors to call you back.

Speaking with HMRC

Anderson Parker can negotiate with HMRC on your behalf. Speaking with HMRC about your situation will allow them to assess your ability to make reduced payments over an extended period. It can also help to identify steps to avoid similar situations in the future and advise what could happen if you do not stick to the agreed arrangement.

How much time will HMRC give me to pay?

Initiating a conversation with HMRC allows them to assess the viability of your company. The extended period agreed by HMRC will differ on a case by case basis and they will try to make this period as short as possible. However, it may be possible to agree much longer payment periods. Each case will be judged individually to determine what kind of arrangement HMRC will be prepared to accept.

We will negotiate for you to help you get the best results for your business.

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How Anderson Parker Can Help

We have a broad spectrum of partners in the Financial Services sector, making us ideally placed to find the best solution for you or your company’s financial situation. Anderson Parker specialises in HMRC debt and can help you with Time to Pay (TTP) arrangements, debts and arrears, Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs), and much more.

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